Thursday, February 17, 2011


1. Describe your team's game topic and talk about the most important concept you want your players to learn.
My team game idea is about saving energy, and people will learn to use solar energy instead of using a lot of energy.

2. How did the ideas you discussed in "Imagining Your Game" come together to help your team decide on a game topic?
Because my game idea had action in my partner game idea is about saving energy so our game is shooting solar panels onto houses.

3. Tell us more about your team by saying who has what role, and how you work together.
I draw and Genevieve writes and we both look up information.

4. What kind of research did you do to find information to express the game topic? Examples: books, films, web searches....etc.

The web and we haven't finished looking up facts in information.

5. Explain the game play. What does the player have to do?
The player will jump and move to shoot and dodge houses that are bad for our planet.

6. Has this changed since you first started planning your game? How?
Yes because we are adding a little bit of math equations and there are floating houses and everything is in the sky.

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